The Divine Concept of Children's Rights: A Comparative Study in the light of teachings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

حقوق الاطفال کا الہامی تصور: یہودیت ، مسیحیت اور اسلام کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ایک تقابلی مطالعہ


  • Dr. Abdur Rahim Abdur Rahim Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Government Postgraduate Jahanzeb College Swat
  • Dr. Arsala Khan Chaiman, Department of Islamic Studies, Government Postgraduate Jahanzeb College Swat
  • Asad Ullah Asad Ullah Bs Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Government Postgraduate Jahanzeb College Swat

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Children's Rights, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Comparative Study, Divine Teachings, Ethics, Universal Human Experience.


This research article delves into the profound exploration of children's rights from the perspectives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, highlighting the universal concept that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural disparities. Focused on the teachings of these three Abrahamic faiths, the study aims to elucidate the divine essence that underlies the fundamental rights accorded to children. Emphasizing the interconnectedness of humanity, the study underscores the shared human experiences, as exemplified by the universal expressions of children - their laughter and tears-regardless of their geographical origins. By analyzing the scriptures, traditions, and ethical principles of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this research seeks to illuminate the intrinsic value attributed to children and the moral obligations vested in safeguarding their rights within these religious frameworks. This comparative analysis illuminates the common ground and divergence in the theological and ethical perspectives concerning children's rights among these faiths, providing insights into the holistic perception of children's well-being and entitlement to protection, education, and nurturing across diverse cultural and religious landscapes.


